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Hi there! My name is Aaron. My middle name is Yaoyang, which comes from my Chinese name 謝曜揚. I was named after Aaron Copland, one of my dad’s favorite composers.

I’m a student at NYU studying CS with a particular interest in machine learning and computational neuroscience. I’m also a member of NYU Tandon’s honors program, GLASS.

Outside of studying, I’m a research assistant at a computational neuroscience lab at NYU Langone Health under Professor Zhe Sage Chen. In the past, I’ve participated in an entrepreneurship challenge and worked on applying machine learning models to Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. I was fortunate enough to publish these results in a paper. Currently, I’m trying to see if we can classify whether a patient has chronic back pain using EEG data as part of my GLASS senior capstone project.

For my sophomore summer, I was a Software Engineer Intern at Meta (it was Facebook back then) on the Instagram Growth Ranking Services team, where I helped add sparse features for notifications ranking. For my junior summer, I was a Software Engineer Intern at Snap Inc on the Perception team, where I created an offline testing tool for their ranking framework and iterated on a recommendation source based on visual similarity. During my last week there, I accidentally crashed the service for recommending face lenses for a couple of minutes. Whoops.

Besides that, I also had a very undecorated competitive swimming career. I swam for NYU’s varsity swim team during my freshman and junior year (COVID cancelled the sophomore season). I liked swimming breaststroke, fly, and IM. In my free time, I like to hang out with friends, play piano, watch TV/anime, and waste my time on YouTube.

You might see some blog posts in the category of “Anthropocene-Review”. This is taken from a book written by John Green called the Anthropocene Reviewed. In brief, John Green gives a review on various topics that define experiences unique to our species, ranging from Mario Kart to the Academic Decathlon. I’m a fan of it, so I’ve decided to try it too.

Oh, and here’s my resume.

If you’d like to chat, please email me at “aaron.hsieh01[AT]gmail.com”.

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